Tuesday, November 30, 2010


So I have been thinking a lot lately about the different relationships that I have in my life. Relationships with my friends, family, coworkers, residents. Just relationships in general. There are relationships that are stronger than other ones, and ones that I wish I didn't suck so bad at maintaining. I also think about the relationships that I have let go, and the people that I thought I would always talk to. I mean I  know that every single relationship you make in your life isn't necessarily going to be a lifelong relationship, but there are some that you really thought you would. I don't know if it is just the age that I am at or what but its been something that has been on my mind a lot.

 I bought new boots today. I should have totally felt guilty about it, but to be honest, I really didnt. I needed a pair of winter boots that I can wear to work, or when I am goin out and what not so I am kind of excited about them. Okay, really excited about them.

One thing I learned today is that a cup of coffee can go a long way. And I don't mean the caffeine. I picked up a shift at work this weekend that had been filled, then not filled, then filled again, then at the last minute not filled. I covered the shift cause one of the people that was supposed to work told me they didnt feel well, so I was like whatever I will work it. So the person I worked on sunday brought me a cup of coffee and it totally made my day today :)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I suck at thinking of new titles

Guess I am not all that original. I like to be creative and witty with my titles and sometimes it just doesn't come to me. Here I sit at Cheri's. We have had a very fun and productive time together! Last night we decided we were going to try and make new things. So we made some YUMMY YUMMY candy....its milk chocolate and white chocolate with peppermint sticks on top (otherwise know as candy canes) You pay good money for that kind of candy elsewhere. We also made funnel cake, that turned out really good! We are just little bakers.

So we are supposed to get this big ol' snowstorm tonight. I always think that it is super pretty right after it snows. I like the way it looks on the trees, and how fresh it is before people walk and what not. Kind of reminds me of fresh starts. The things I do not like about snowstorms include driving in the snow....shoveling....when I step in a slushie puddle and my shoes and socks get all wet.

I will post more later...sooner than the this post?!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Funday Friday

If I could change one thing that I did growing up it would be how I treated my mouth. Seriously. I just didnt care. And for those of you youngens who think its not a big deal, it is. I feel like I am dealing with WAYYY more crap in my mouth than I should have to deal with at my age. Oral Hygiene is important, and you best believe that when I have children they will have impeccable teeth.  I will instill on them that their teeth and their mouth is important. I could go around blaming everyone else...my parents, all of the dentists I have seen...but the only person I can point fingers at is me, myself and I. UGHHHHHHH. I have been really angry with myself because of it, but I realize that isnt gonna do any good. I can take care of the problems and move on. Am I embarrassed about the condition of my mouth? Oh you can bet I am. I hate talking about it so this is probably the first and last time it will be mentioned here. On that note...DONE.

I feel bad for Thanksgiving. It truly is the forgotten holiday. I mean yeah, there arent a bajillion songs about it, and you don't go around and get candy from your neighbors but COME ON. I love Thanksgiving. I love spending the day with my family, whether it be the residents I work with or my family, or if I am lucky enough, both. But COME ON....Christmas music being played already? ITS NOVEMBER 12th. Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas and everything that comes with it, but we haven't even celebrated Thanksgiving yet. At least wait two more weeks before thinking about it. Cause we will all get sick of it. Promise.

I am SOOO excited and ready for our family vacation to Izaty's this year :):) It is a week where my family gets away, and yes...it can be hectic and loud and crazy but I look forward to it. I am also looking forward to it becaue I am taking a week off of work this year for it, which will be so much needed when it comes. YAY!

Hmm...Every week I say I am gonna start working out next week. Hasn't happened yet. OOPS. lifestyle change that needs to be accomplished. It will happen....someday. Call it a cliche but I think I am gonna get SERIOUS after New Years. Not a resolution necessarily but more of a...goal. Oi.

On a last and final note...there is someone mowing the lawn who I do not know. Creepy. Peace out! Thanks for reading!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Untitled by Annie

So I got 2 of my wisdom teeth pulled today. If any of you remember when I got one pulled in August I just had Novocaine. Well, same deal today, just Novocaine. I did bring my ipod today, so I had something to listen to this time, instead of the awful sounds that accompany getting your teeth pulled. Well all was good till the novocaine wore off, ever since then, even with pain meds, I have been in pain. And now I am scared to go to sleep casue if I go to sleep I am just gonna wake up in pain in the middle of the night. AND here I go again complaining when there are most def. people out there that have it worse than I do. I just pray for those people. That in a few days when I am no longer in pain, and they still are that they can get some relief from their pain.

This weekend at work was hands down one of the best weekends that I have had in awhile. My job can get a little crazy and overwhelming at times, but then I have a weekend like I did this past weekend, that is just fun and semi relaxing and its just a good reminder of how wonderful my job actually is.

I think thats it for tonight. I am gonna try to get a little bit of sleep.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Simply Exhausted

I tell ya, the last few weeks have just been exhausting. Between Jamie and B's wedding, work, training, being an election judge, confirmation at church, and everything else in between I am just tired. And then factor in there personal problems and money problems and its like WOAH. And I know I have a good life, and there are people out there that are a heck of a lot more exhausted than I am but tonight, I just know that I am tired. And I know I havent blogged much over the last few days, but it was kind of at the bottom of my list of importance!

Election day....if you have ever served as an election judge then ya know what I am talking about. If you simply see us sitting there chit-chatting, joking, reading or what not and think we are doing nothing please erase that thought...RIGHT NOW. Yes. During the day there is a little bit less to do with that many hands on deck, but we check everyone in, count the ballots, count the ballots again, be polite, initial the ballots, make sure people's ballots go into the machine (without looking at their ballot, cause you know, we might just be a spy..jk)  Then, closing the polls....might be the most stressful part of the day. It was for me tonight. There are 9 other people there, who all want to get the same things done, and of the 10 of us, 2 of them are supposed to be the "go to" people...the head judges...leaders...and so on and so forth. So its basically mass chaos for about an hour, then ya get to go home. I am lucky. I work in a good precinct where 99% of the voters are very kind and friendly, so if you are an election judge and had to deal with a cranky person today, I am sorry. Okay enough about election judging.

My room smells like poo. And my door wasnt open all day, but my moms dog is laying next to me and I am pretty sure he raided the litter box before coming in my bed. Ish. LOL. Why is it that dogs choose to eat the most absolutely disgusting things? Cat poo, baby diapers, used feminine products, coffee grounds, sticks of butter? I mean, if we ingested all of that pretty sure we'd be dead (or probably wish we were).

Speaking of the things we ingest. BOO election day is never good for me. We always do a potluck, and we always have so many snacks and yummy food. So you more than likely do not want to know everything that I put in my mouth today. The thought of it makes me a little grossed out. I seriously need to get my eating under control. I eat like a cow almost all the time. And the worst part about it is, I am self concious of it. I am always aware of the people that are around me, and wondering whether or not they are judging me for what I am putting ingesting. I have made a concrete goal that in January (No, its not a New Years resolution, it is simply 2 months from now and thats when I want to buckle down) I am going to rejoin weight watchers. It worked really well for me when I was actually following the program. My mom said she would do it with me, and I kind of hope she does. It would be good to have each other for moral support.

For someone who is exhausted I am shocked I am still typing. Endless ramblings. lol. please  note the last word in the title of my blog. OH man, I tell ya. K peace y'alls.....Thanks for reading.

Until next time....