Tuesday, October 26, 2010


HOLY WIND! I don't know how windy it is around everyone else, but I am shocked we haven't lost power yet here.

So today I start with my "lifestyle changes." EPIC FAIL is all I have to say for today. I started out the day pretty good. Ya know, a bag of pretzels here, water, the usual. Then I go to work and BAM, its like I just eat....all time there. Here is what my food consisted of at work: Apple (not too bad), 2 nutty bars (and by 2 I dont mean two individual ones, I mean two packages with 2 in each package), lots of cooler ranch doritos, a whole can of spaghettios, and a few random pieces of chocolate. OH and then on the way home I decided to get ice cream. A friend said to me, "why don't you just change your ways tonight?" to which I replied, "nope, I have already had this conversation with myself like 4 times." Wanna know the funny thing? the blizzard wasn't even as good as I thought it was going to be. Tomorrow is a new day. As far as the whole work thing, I really think what I need to do is start keeping healthy snacks there. It is kind of inevitable that I am going to snack at work. Somedays there is just a lot of downtime and all of us just kind of sit around and snack. Not the best thing to do but we do it. So MAYBE if I just stop bringing crap for myself I will stop eating like crap. Part of me is tempted to start weight watchers again...just to get myself back on track. We will see....

Why is it that the nights that you need a lot of sleep, you find yourself tossing and turning? You are up thinking about the most ridiculous things, and looking at the clock what seems like every 20 minutes? I had that happen to me last night, and when I woke up this morning I found out that my obligation had been moved and I was super tired so I went back to bed for a little bit. I just woke up and was dragging because I had kept myself up so much. HMPH.

Hmm...I dont really have much else on my mind (right now) and I am rambling, so off to bed I go. Hopefully.

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