Thursday, December 2, 2010

Anything you can do I can do better

I am venting for the first paragraph of this, and if there is anyone reading who will be offended I am going to apologize right now. So my parents got a new car today. They needed it, and I know that. I got my car three months ago (and I LOVE my car, best car I have ever had) but of course they have to one up me and get a new car three months later with all the bells and whistles. And when I say that I kinda mean it...heated seats, radio controls on the steering wheel, frickin blinker lights on the mirrors. I know its stupid and totally not true at all but when it comes to things like this I always feel like I am being one-upped. like BAHAHA this is better than yours. Okay end jealous rant.

I have been down today. I don't really know why. I think part of it has to do with the stuff I am doin at work, part of it has to do with people in my life, and a lot of it has to do with me in general. I was talking about this with a friend tonight but I feel like you change so much in your twenties. I feel like you grow up a lot, and (this sounds kind of horrible) but you grow in and out of relationships. Some of which you were sure would be lifelong...and ones you find are stronger than others. It also seems like you find out that you aren't invincible. Ahh, the growing years. Why did no one warn me of this.

Okay I promise next time I will not complain as much.

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