Sunday, January 16, 2011

Social life

I love Sundays. I am sad that I didn't get to go to church this morning, but at the same time glad that I was done working at 2 instead of just starting. Now I am just chillin and watching Rent. I love this movie. I think I saw it 3 times in theaters (dollar theater!) I have yet to see the broadway play, but I hope that someday I will. If they were to make sing-a-long movies for adults (ya know, like the old school ones they used to make for Disney with the words at the bottom) they would totally have to make one of Rent. Cause I do sing along to the whole movie :) My mom also made Chili and is making corn bread, so I didnt have to miss that meal!!

January is kind of a blah month. I mean, its pretty much the middle of the winter. There has been snow on the ground since November, and will more than likely be snow on the ground till March. And there really isn't a whole lot that happens this month. The first part of the month for me is spent getting back into the regularity of everyday life after the holidays (as I am sure is the case for most people). It also tends to be the month when I get a little bit of seasonal depression, and want to spend a majoirty of my free time in bed in my jammies with a good movie or tv show to watch or a good book to read. But this January I have been pretty busy, and I have been wanting to hang out with more people. I have been making more of a conscious effort of setting up times with friends and family to hang out. I want to make sure to keep good strong relationships. I have always had a great, diverse group of friends, wonderful sisters and parents, and in general, a wonderful support system and I don't want to lose any of them :)

I will try and blog more, cause I have been told that 1-2 times a month isnt really cutting it. I just need to realize that my blog doesn't need to be perfect and it doesnt need to always make sense. It is what it is so there! Okay, I am off now.

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