Sunday, February 13, 2011

To do lists

I have recently become a huge fan of to-do lists. It may be because with my job and where I am at with it comes a lot more responsibility and if I don't put something on a list I can't guarantee its gonna get done. But I now find myself making lists of things that need to get done for myself, even the little things. I just love to do lists, and I especially love the feeling of being able to cross off tasks one by one! The reason I thought of this is because I started to make the to-do lists on my computer, on my stickies program. It is great. I can have a "post it" note on my desktop to remind me of the things I need to get done!

So I really REALLY hate valentines day. With a passion. Nothing excites me about this holiday...except for maybe the candy. A large part of this is probably due to the fact that I have never had a boyfriend on, or even around valentines day, and it is made painfully obvious to me that I am still single on that day. THANK YOU FOR REMINDING ME YOU AWFUL COMMERCIALIZED HOLIDAY.

I can't sleep right now either. I am really tired, but I feel like I didnt quite use the sensors I could have this weekend, and probably said a lot more crap than I should have. I really hate when I do that because I know its gonna come back around and haunt me later on in life, and that worries me, and makes it so much more obvious of my flaws. GAAA keep your mouth shut annie.

I am super excited for my sister to move home in a couple of weeks. We were talking on the phone a few days ago and figured out that it has been well over 5 years (we figured about 7) since we lived less than 6 hours from each other. That is so crazy to me, and I can't wait. The first few weeks will be interesting cause i am gonna have that natural feeling that I have to get all of this stuff in with her before she goes back, but she doesn't have to go back to anywhere, she will be home :)

Last but not least, I feel the need to make a list of the things that I am excited for this summer!:
~Twins games...I LOVE target field, and need to go more than I did last year
~The boundary waters
~Valley fair
~Flip Flops :)
~The beach
~Driving with the windows down

I am sure there is plenty more that I am excited for, but that is all that comes to mind at this time. I will continue to add things from time to time

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